iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry
Perceptions of forest experts on climate change and fire management in European Mediterranean forests
Pilas I1  Peric S1  Nocentini S2  Marchi E2  Raftoyannis Y3  Kakouris E3  Moreira-Marcelino Ana C4  Calama Sainz R5  Amaral Paulo J6  Garcia Guemes C7  Costa-Ferreira M8 
[1] Croatian Forest Research Institute, 10450 Jastrebarsko (Croatia);Department of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Systems, University of Florence, v. San Bonaventura 13, I-50145 Firenze (Italy);Department of Forestry, Technological Educational Institute of Lamia, G-36100 Karpenisi (Greece);Dept. de Protecção das Plantas, Estação Agronómica Nacional, INIAP, Av. da República, 2784-505 Nova Oeiras (Portugal);Dip.to Selvicultura y Gestión Forestal, CIFOR-INIA, Ctra. A Coruña km 7.5, E-28040 Madrid (Spain);Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Tapada da Ajuda, 1349-017 Lisbon (Portugal);Servicio Territorial de Medio Ambiente. Junta de Castilla y León C/ Juan de Padilla s/n, E-09071 Burgos (Spain);Silviculture and Forest Products Unit, INIAV-INRB, 2780-159 Oeiras (Portugal);
关键词: Climate Change;    Forest Fires;    Survey;    Perceptions;    Adaptive Management;    Mediterranean;   
DOI  :  10.3832/ifor0817-006
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Climate change has already increased fire risk in Mediterranean forests. Adaptation options related to forest fires and climate change include measures related to fuel management, fire fighting and infrastructure, as well as public awareness. The importance of each of these measures was evaluated in six Mediterranean countries in a study initiated within the COST Action FP0703 “Expected Climate Change and Options for European Silviculture”. A questionnaire survey was used to document the views of foresters and forest scientists. Country differences were observed and adaptation measures related to fire fighting efficiency and public awareness were valued as more important than fuel management. Results were discussed in the light of a critical review of adaptive fire management measures with special reference to European Mediterranean countries.

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