Cultura Física y Deportes de Guantánamo
The preparation of the family to attend the program “Educa a tu hijo”
Olaida Soler-Queralta1  Eladia Pelier-Gaínza1 
[1] Universidad de Guantánamo. Guantánamo, Cuba.;
关键词: Integrated development;    Family;    Games;    Children;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The research addresses the theoretical framework about the preparation of the family to attend the program “Educa a tu hijo” to develop games in children 3-5 years old. Various methods and instruments were used to corroborate the need to provide the same guidelines that would allow raising the quality of their actions in this important activity. This led the authors to propose a system of activities orientated to the family with the purpose of increasing their preparation, which includes games that can be performed at home, also contributing to enrich the activities of the current program. Therefore, given the affordability guidelines developed, activities of flexible and systemic character were inserted into the Preschool program to elevate the role of the family in children´s plays.

【 授权许可】


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