Plant Production Science
Evaluation of Mixed Cropping of Oat and Hairy Vetch as Green Manure for Succeeding Corn Production
Sohei Asakura1  Atsushi Matsumura1  Hiroyuki Daimon1  Kenji Yamawaki1  Arata Tarui1  Rintaro Hattori1 
[1]Osaka Prefecture University
关键词: C/N ratio;    Crop rotation;    Grass;    Legume;    Nitrogen fixation;    Nitrogen transfer;    Phosphorus uptake;   
DOI  :  10.1626/pps.16.383
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Legume-grass mixed cropping may alleviate N starvation when incorporated as grass green manure which has a higher C/N ratio than legume manure. We focused on N and P absorption of oat in mixed cropping with hairy vetch, and investigated the effect of the mixedcropping green manure on the growth and nutrient uptake of the succeeding corn. The total N and total P contents of oat mixed-cropped with hairy vetch were higher than those of sole-cropped oat, and dry weight in addition to N and P contents of oat were greatly increased by cutting mixed-cropped hairy vetch before blooming. Sole cropping of hairy vetch was the best green manure to enhance the growth and nutrient uptake of the succeeding corn crop, but mixed cropping of oat with hairy vetch was also highly effective. Further investigations are needed to determine the long-term effect of mixed cropping green manure on N and P sequestration as soil organic matter.
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