Flora of Espírito Santo: Prepusa and Senaea (Helieae, Gentianaceae)
关键词: Brazil;    endemism;    Prepusa;    Senaea;    taxonomy;   
DOI  :  10.1590/2175-7860202273020
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Abstract The Flora of Espírito Santo presents three species of Helieae (Gentianaceae), circumscribed in the genera Prepusa, with two species, and Senaea with only one species. These poorly known species are described and illustrated here, and had their diagnostic characters and their similarities with other species discussed. In addition, this paper provides an emended key for species and geographic distribution maps of all species of Prepusa and Senaea from Flora of Espírito Santo, with additional comments on their conservation status.
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