Selekcija i Semenarstvo | |
New soybean varieties | |
Miladinović Jegor1  Hrustić Milica1  Vidić Miloš1  | |
[1] Crop and Vegetable Scientific Institute, Novi Sad, Serbia; | |
关键词: soybean; variety; area; yield; production; | |
DOI : | |
来源: DOAJ |
【 摘 要 】
Soybean was grown in our country since nineteen seventies. Around the same time, work on the development of domestic soybean varieties, adapted to the local agroecological conditions, began at die Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad. Before that, introduced foreign varieties had been grown. The main breeding targets at that time were to develop varieties with high genetic yield potential, specified vegetation period, resistance to lodging, pod shattering and the major diseases. As the soybean acreage expanded, specific demands appeared extremely short vegetation period for soybean growing as a second crop, increased protein content, changed oil composition, etc. Thus far, 66 Institutes varieties were registered in our country and 10 abroad. In mid-eighties, soybean breeding programs commenced at Uljarice in Belgrade, which produced 8 soybean varieties, and at the Maize Institute in Zemun Polje, which rendered 3 varieties. .
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