Journal of Risk Analysis and Crisis Response (JRACR)
Research Framework for Emergency Rescue of Disasters and Crises
关键词: Emergency rescue;    Research framework;    Command;    Risk management;   
DOI  :  10.2991/jrarc.2012.2.3.3
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The emergency rescue refers to all the artificial interventions that aim to reduce the occurrence of and damages by the emergencies directly or indirectly. Its role is to act immediately to prevent damage to life,property or environment. Emergency rescue is the critical and direct stage in the emergency management process. Disasters and crises have the nature of the sudden urgency, complexity, severity, and decide the characteristics of emergency rescue operations are urgent, difficult, dangerous and hard. The essay comes up with research framework of professional rescue: the emergency organization and command of multi-forces on strategy-battle-tactics level, the risk analysis of multi-disasters events and the risk management and control of rescue, the standardization of rescue skills and equipments and professional training, and the information platform combining application system, database and the preliminary analysis of main sources.

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