Epistemology and Ethics in Zhuangzi
S. Evan Kreider1 
[1]Philosophy Department, The University of Wisconsin–Oshkosh, Fox Cities Campus, Menasha, WI 54952, USA
关键词: Zhuangzi;    Daoism;    ethics;    epistemology;    skepticism;   
DOI  :  10.3390/philosophies6030058
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
On a prima facia reading, Zhuangzi seems to endorse some form of skepticism or relativism. This seems at odds with Zhuangzi as one of the two main sources of classical Daoism, considering the ideals of virtue and self-development promoted by that philosophy. However, Zhuangzi’s metaphorical and allegorical style lends itself to a number of interpretations of his epistemology, as well as the kind of self-knowledge and ethical development it might allow. A survey of the relevant literature shows that the epistemological debate is not easily solvable, but by narrowing the range of interpretations, a coherent picture of his ethics begins to emerge, one in which some form of knowledge, especially self-knowledge, is still possible, as is an ethics of self-actualization.
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