Starlikeness of New General Differential Operators Associated with q-Bessel Functions
Loriana Andrei1  Vasile-Aurel Caus1 
[1] Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Oradea, 1 Universitatii Street, 410087 Oradea, Romania;
关键词: analytic functions;    univalent functions;    q-starlike functions;    q-difference operator;    differential subordination;    q-Bessel functions;   
DOI  :  10.3390/sym13122310
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Owning to the importance and great interest of differential operators, two generalized differential operators, which may be symmetric or assymetric, are newly introduced in the present paper. Motivated by the familiar Jackson’s second and third Bessel functions, we derive necessary and sufficient conditions for which the new generalized operators belong to the class of q-starlike functions of order alpha. Several corollaries and consequences of the main results are also pointed out.

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