Vestnik Voronežskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta Inženernyh Tehnologij
Crowdfunding as alternative financial resource for small business
N. S. Suvorov1 
[1] Baikal state university, Lenin str., 11, Irkutsk, 664003, Russia;
关键词: funding;    small business;    crowdfunding;    crowdlending;    crowdinvesting;   
DOI  :  10.20914/2310-1202-2016-3-401-403
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The article presents topical characteristics of small business importance in the economy. The main features of this category of companies are presented, the topicality of searching alternative funding form for functioning in the macroeconomic instability is proved. It shows that in the crisis period of economy priority funding sources might become less affordable. As an alternative the author suggests crowdfunding. The main forms of crowdfunding such as crowdinvesting and crowdlending are presented. The article deals with economic substance of each form of crowdfunding. Worldwide crowdfunding volumes are analyzed; the barriers of Russian development of this phenomenon are presented. The differences between crowdfunding and charity are shown, crowdfunding classification depending on type of rewards is presented. The essence of each type of rewards is revealed. The classification system of crowdinvesting depending on type of capital is shown. The total amount of funds raised by crowdinvesting platforms is presented. Author highlights crowdinvesting volume forecast in Russia. Crowdlending classification depends on financial direction is shown. The main participants of crowdlending process such as banks, credit bureaus and collectors are considered. The author describes detailed scheme of their interaction. The main features and key participants of crowdlending platform functioning are revealed. Average value of crowdlending financing is pointed out by the author. The author distinguishes topical reasons of insufficient functioning of crowdlending platforms in our country. The article presents authors position in regard to the crowdfunding forms of financing for small business.

【 授权许可】


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