Les nouveaux sites Internet de la communauté soninké et la standardisation de la langue
关键词: Soninke;    Standardization;    Diaspora;    Emigration;    Internet;    Civil Society;   
DOI  :  10.4000/mandenkan.231
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Since a couple of years, the Soninke language has appeared on the Internet. One can find sites of associations as well as blogs of activists devoting themselves to the promotion of their language and culture. The most important among the sites is Soninkara.com (based in Paris), created in 2000. Among others, Soobe, the site of the Soninke Cultural Association in Egypt, is to be specially mentioned. These sites were often created for the need of communication inside the Soninke diaspora scattered all over the world. They provide a written forum to the Soninke language which had, until recently, great difficulties in acquiring printed organs. They also bring forth a standardization based on the practice, rather than on theory. This emerging standard version is based on the “Western Soninke” spoken in Gajaga and Gidimakha, in the “three boundaries” area (Mali, Mauritania and Senegal) which represents the main core of Soninke emigration.

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