Медицинский совет
Mucolytic therapy of ARD in pregnant women
R. A. Bontsevich1  O. V. Golovchenko1 
[1]Belgorod regional clinical hospital of Saint Iosaf, Belgorod state research university
关键词: орз;    орви;    бронхит;    беременность;    лечение;    кашель;    муколитики;    амброксол;    ard;    arvi;    bronchitis;    pregnancy;    treatment;    cough;    mucolytics;    ambroxol;   
DOI  :  10.21518/2079-701X-2013-8-38-43
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Acute respiratory disease (ARD) is one of the most common pathologies in pregnant women. During their pregnancy, about 2/3 of women suffer from one or several episodes of ARD of any severity. It is vital to study the issue because, in a certain percentage of cases, ARD pathogens may directly or indirectly cause damage to the fetus or break the normal gestation course. Optimal therapy of ARD which is often manifested in cough syndrome has not been thoroughly studied till now. The paper talks about the specifics of acute respiratory diseases (except for pneumonia) in pregnant women. The authors share their experience of including Ambroxol in the complex therapy of cough syndrome.
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