Voennyi Sbornik
The Price of Caralessness
Yuri F. Katorin1 
[1]National research university of information texnologie s, mechanics and optics, Ru ssia n Federation
关键词: HMAS «Sydney»;    HSK-8 «Kormoran»;    secret of the loss;    World War II;    Australian fleet;    battle on sea;   
DOI  :  10.13187/vs.2015.7.30
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
In the article it is told about one of the episodes World War II (1939 – 1945) – the loss of Australian cruiser HMAS «Sydney» in combat with the German raider HSK-8 «Kormoran», the picture of battle is restored, the effective forces and loss of sides are analyzed, is in detail described the raid «Kormoran» for the disturbance of British navigation, speaks out the version of the reason for sinking powerful warship, by the auxiliary cruiser, which was in the essence the armed merchant ship.
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