Frontiers in Marine Science
Artificial reefs as a conservation tool: biodiversity assessment and perspectives in SE Brazil
André Pereira Cattani1  Alberto Teodorico Correia2  Marcelo Soeth3 
[1] Associação MarBrasil;Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental;Universidade Federal do Paraná;Universidade Fernando Pessoa;
关键词: Conservation of Natural Resources;    Endangered Species;    Fisheries Management;    MPAs;    Articial reef;   
DOI  :  10.3389/conf.fmars.2015.03.00058
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Artificial reefs (ARs) has been suggested as a possible tool for reef fish restoration and biodiversity rehabilitation. In Brazil, and since 1996, ARs has been implemented in the continental shelf between latitudes of 25.6-25.8 S. Underwater visual censuses (UVC) of fishes were conducted from 2010 to 2015 at both artificial (AR) and natural rocky (NR) reefs to assess similarity at local sites. NR were natural formations with an average depth of 10 meters, and UVC were performed between 6 to 8 meters. Protected AR (PAR) were installed between the years 1996 to 2001 at depths ranging from 15 to 18 meters. It consist of a total of 1788 hollow blocks (2.4-3.6 m2) divided into eleven groups. Non protected AR (NPAR) have been implemented between the years 2010 and 2012 at depths between 9 to 12 meters. It consist of a total of 2832 rectangular hollow blocks (1.2 m2) distributed in 10 parallel groups near the coastal line. Since 2013, NR and PAR were classified as marine protected areas (MPAs). A total of 69 fish species, distributed in 38 families and 10 orders were recorded during the UVC. PERMANOVA analysis showeda decreasing similarity between the NPAR and PAR (20.3%), NR and PAR (15.9%), and NR and NPAR (10.5%). The density of fish showed a strong correlation with the ARs, probably due to a higher perimeter-to-area ratio. Species richness and Shannon diversity index were correlated with NR, such as taxonomic distinctness was correlated to NPAR. Pielou's evenness index and taxonomic diversity were negatively correlated with PAR. Five threatened species (following IUCN), Epinephelus itajara, Epinephelus marginatus, Hyporthodus niveatus, Lutjanus cyanopterus and Lutjanus analiswere recorded, which were noticeably more abundant in PAR, namely the former. The hereby data suggested the importance of the implementation of artificial reefs for conservation purposes, namely within MPAs.

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