Natural Assurance Schemes Canvas: A Framework to Develop Business Models for Nature-Based Solutions Aimed at Disaster Risk Reduction
PhilippeLe Coent1  Florentina Nanu2  Roxane Marchal3  Javier Calatrava4  Marisol Manzano5  Karina Peña6  Thomas Biffin6  Kieran Dartée6  Albert Scrieu7  Beatriz Mayor8  Elena López Gunn8  Pedro Zorrilla-Miras8  Nina Graveline9 
[1]BGRM, Université de Montpellier, 34000 Montpellier, France
[2]Business Development Group, 10638 București, Romania
[3]Caisse Centrale de Réassurance, 75008 Paris, France
[4]Department of Business Economics, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, 30202 Cartagena, Spain
[5]Department of Mining and Civil Engineering, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, 30202 Cartagena, Spain
[6]Field Factors, 2628 CS Delft, The Netherlands
[7]Geoecomar, 030167 București, Romania
[8]I-CATALIST S.L, 28232 Las Rozas, Madrid, Spain
[9]INRAE, 34000 Montpellier, France
关键词: nature-based solutions;    business models;    natural assurance schemes;    risk reduction;   
DOI  :  10.3390/su13031291
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Nature-based solutions (NBS) are increasingly being promoted because they can solve different pursued aims together with providing an additional array of multiple ecosystem services or co-benefits. Nevertheless, their implementation is still being curbed by several barriers, for example, a lack of examples, a lack of finance, and a lack of business cases. Therefore, there is an urgent need to facilitate the construction of business models and business cases that identify the elements required to capture value. These are necessary to catalyze investments for the implementation of NBS. This article presents a tool called a Natural Assurance Schemes (NAS) canvas and explains how it can be applied to identify business models for NBS strategies providing climate adaptation services, showing an eye-shot summary of critical information to attract funding. The framework is applied in three case studies covering different contexts, scales, and climate-related risks (floods and droughts). Finally, a reflective analysis is done, comparing the tool with other similar approaches while highlighting the differential characteristics that define the usefulness, replicability, and flexibility of the tool for the target users, namely policymakers, developers, scientists, or entrepreneurs aiming to promote and implement NAS and NBS projects.
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