EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing
Segmentation method based on multiobjective optimization for very high spatial resolution satellite images
Omar El Kadmiri1  Lhoussaine Masmoudi1  Rachid Zennouhi1  Saleh El Joumani1  Salah Eddine Mechkouri1 
[1] LETS/Geomat Laboratory, Physics Department, Mohammed V University;
关键词: Segmentation;    Multicriterion;    Entropy;    Otsu;    K-means;    Satellite image VHSR (Quickbird);   
DOI  :  10.1186/s13640-016-0161-2
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Abstract In this paper, a new multicriterion segmentation method has been proposed to be applied to satellite image of very high spatial resolution (VHSR). It is consisted of the following process: For each region of the grayscale image, a center of gravity has been calculated and it has been also selected a threshold for its histogram. According to a certain criteria, this approach has been based on the separation of the different classes of grayscale in an optimal way. The proposed approach has been tested on synthetic images, and then has applied to an urban environment for the classification of data in Quickbird images. The selected zone of study has been laid in Skhirate-Témara province, northwest of Morocco. Which is based on the Levine and Nazif criterion, this segmentation technique has given promising results compared those obtained using OTSU and K-means methods.

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