Historia y Sociedad | |
The municipality borders and interdepartmental Antioquia in current territorial proposals | |
Lucella Gómez Giraldo1  Dairo Correa Gutiérrez1  Juan Darío Goyes Garzón1  Diana Carolina Sanchez Zapata1  | |
[1] Universidad de Antioquia; | |
关键词: inner border; municipality; territorial autonomy; territorial planning; socio-territorial interactions; | |
DOI : 10.15446/hys.n27.44653 | |
来源: DOAJ |
【 摘 要 】
This article aims to provide elements to make visible the historical, socio-economic, political and administrative dynamics that characterize the interdepartmental border towns, particularly those that have not played a central role in the current proposals of land use planning and ordering developed by the Department of Antioquia, but which should be considered because they have particular features that may have great significance in the land use planning and ordering proposals, aimed to reduce municipal and regional imbalances. For this purpose, the analysis is based on the case study of the creation processes of the municipalities of La Pintada, Vigía del Fuerte and Yondó and of the socio-territorial relations and interactions that occur inside and outside of Antioquia.
【 授权许可】