Frontiers in Public Health
Cardiac tumors
Elmiro eSantos Resende1  Leonardo eRoever1  Antônio Carlos ePalandri Chagas1  Paulo Magno eMartins Dourado2  Antonio eCasella-Filho2 
[1]Federal University of Uberlândia
[2]University of São Paulo Medical School
关键词: Echocardiography;    Myxoma;    Cardiac;    tumors;    Heart tumors;   
DOI  :  10.3389/fpubh.2014.00264
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Patients with cardiac tumours may present with cardiovascular related or constitutional symptoms, but more often than not a cardiac mass is discovered incidentally during an imaging examination performed for an unrelated indication.Cardiac myxoma is generally considered to be a surgical emergency. Echocardiography, including the transesophageal approach, is the most important means of diagnosis; CT and MRI. The clinical presentation has changed and the management of cardiac myxoma now needs to be reviewed.
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