D’une Semaine sainte l’autre
关键词: Sanch;    procession;    Perpignan;    confraternity;    intangible cultural heritage;    popular religious;   
DOI  :  10.4000/temporalites.6687
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The Sanch procession in Perpignan who cannot be separated from the archconfraternity of the same name, thanks to the intuition of the Dominican Vicens Ferrer, began first cultual in 1416 but it is also seen as forming part of the local heritage since its recreation in 1950. If we can identify in it marks of a deep religious exaltation, it’s also the place of Roussillon’s culture territory of what the residents of Perpignan, justifying their attachment. Having gone through several centuries, it was therefore legitimate at this stage to question it also in terms of the time that has shaped it, whether this time is objective or subjective and to examine it accordingly, starting from the different temporalities that it makes it spring. From the present that operates in act, to the future that could heritagize one day, through the past whose memory it recalls the article highlights the way in which the procession of the Sanch echoes the temporal variations that she crosses.

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