Effect of temperature on the mechanical properties of X5CrNi18-9 steel
R. Zapała1  B. Kalandyk1  P. Pałka1 
[1] AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland;
关键词: austenitic steel;    mechanical properties;    tensile test;    fracture;    scanning electron microscopy (SEM);   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The results of static tensile tests conducted on a selected steel grade with austenitic matrix are discussed in this paper. The tensile tests were carried out at the following temperatures: 200°, 400° and 700 °C. Under the conditions of the static tensile test, all the samples failed with a characteristic “necking” forming a cup-conical shape. It has been found that with increasing temperature the strength properties decrease and the elongation increases. The microscopic examinations of the fractures showed that they were mostly plastic, and numerous “dimples” were filled with non-metallic inclusions characterized by a globular shape and a size of up to 8 µm.

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