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Methodological basis for the development of municipal entity strategy
V. I. Zarubin1  S. V. Gorbanev1 
[1] FSBEI HE «Maykop State Technological University»;
关键词: strategy of a municipality;    development and implementation of a strategy;    strategic planning;    stages of strategy implementation;    strategic choice tasks;    development process;    methodological basis;    solution methods;    classification;    purpose and features of the methods;   
DOI  :  10.47370/2072-0920-2021-17-3-105-111
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Strategy development is one of the most important functions of a municipal entity management. In addition to a sound strategic plan, successful development requires an effective mechanism for its implementation. Despite a significant number of scientific studies devoted to the problems of strategizing municipalities, the issues of instrumental and methodological support of the strategic planning process remain insufficiently developed. The set of actions to develop a strategy and its implementation create prerequisites for the formation of strategic management system of a municipal entity. The purpose of the research is to develop and use a new approach to the classifi- cation of methods for the development and implementation of a municipal entity strategy, which is based on the principle of separation of methods in accordance with the tasks of strategic management. As a methodological basis, the study uses a functional approach that provides for the division of the strategic planning process into a number of aggregated functional tasks. Scientific publications and works of foreign and domestic scientists, devoted to the analysis of the formation of strategic prospects for the development of the municipality have been studied. The result of the research is a classification of strategic planning methods, where the main stages of the strategic planning process, the tasks of strategic choice and methods of their solution are put in logical correspondence. The theoretical significance of the research lies in the development of the methodological foundations of the process of strategic management of a municipal formation. Classification of strategic planning methods proposed in the article in accordance with the functional characteristics of the strategic planning stage is of practical importance. The results can be used in subdivisions of a municipal en- tity management system that solve the problems of developing and implementing a strategy, as well as in the educational process when training bachelors in the areas of «Management» and «State and Municipal Administration».

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