Pre-Transit Oriented Development Assessment Guidelines for Assessing Metro Station Dependent Component Area
Mohuiddin Jamaleddin1  Hatem Ibrahim1  M. Salim Ferwati1  Mohd Faris Khamidi1  Madhavi Indraganti1 
[1]Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Qatar University, Doha 3263, Qatar
关键词: transit-oriented development;    TOD assessment model;    virtual function of transit station;    dependent component area;    influence catchment area;    metro station in Doha;   
DOI  :  10.3390/designs6030056
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) assessment models are commonly used to assess existing and planned metro station catchment areas. Elements like diversity, density, design, destination, distance, and demand management are considered in the 6Ds TOD assessment model. Assessment of these elements in the designing stage depends on the TOD expert’s involvement to ensure the effectiveness of the model. The aim of this research is to develop novel pre-TOD assessment guidelines that consist of Spatial Analysis, Virtual Function of Transit Station (VFTS), and Estimated Spatial Analysis, which can improve the reliability of the assessment conclusion according to the 16 planning elements. The research applies three methodologies: (1) analytical approach to evaluate the TOD concept and its assessment model; (2) development of pre-TOD assessment guidelines using the Delphi technique; and (3) conduct a case study of the Doha Exhibition and Convention Center metro station in Qatar to validate the developed model. The findings are a new concept, called the Dependent Component Area (DCA) of the metro station, and VFTS classifications of the metro station include an urban connector, suburban connector, destination, and destination connector. The newly developed pre-TOD assessment guidelines can enhance TOD assessment methods, especially in emerging cities. Moreover, these assessment guidelines will provide TOD and planning experts with more precise data and information related to the DCA.
【 授权许可】


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