Brazilian Journal of Oral Sciences
Prevalence of dental fractures and associated factors in students of Valinhos, SP, Brazil
Luciane Zanin1  Flavia Martão Flório2  Andressa Reisen2  Roberta Tagliari da Rosa2  Rubia Raquel Santos do Nascimento2  Cristiana Carina de Barros Lima Dantas2 
[1]Hermínio Ometto University Center
[2]São Leopoldo Mandic School of Dentistry and Research Center
关键词: Dental fractures;    Risk factors;    Students;    Oral health;    Epidemiology;   
DOI  :  10.20396/bjos.v12i4.8640939
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Aim: To investigate the prevalence of dental fractures and their association with risk factors in the permanent dentition of adolescents in Valinhos, SP, Brazil. Methods: The study population was obtained using the probability sampling method and comprised 379 students between 13 and 19 years old enrolled in the eight State schools of the city, who were examined by nine pairs of calibrated dentists (Kappa>0.80). The presence of dental fractures in permanent anterior incisors, as well as the presence of considerable overjet (> 5mm) and lip seal was evaluated in a clinicalepidemiological examination. Results: The prevalence of dental trauma was 27.1%. The most frequent lesions were enamel fractures (72.6%) of which falls were the main cause (45.7%). No association was found between the presence of considerable overjet and deficient lip seal (chisquare test; p>0.05). Conclusions: The prevalence of dental trauma in the studied population was expressive when compared with the literature, but the analyzed oral aspects did not contribute to its occurrence.
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