Applied Water Science
Use of water treatment residuals for colour removal from real textile dye wastewater
Mahesh R. Gadekar1  M. Mansoor Ahammed1 
[1] Civil Engineering Department, SV National Institute of Technology;
关键词: Textile dye wastewater;    Water treatment residuals;    Coagulation;    Adsorption;    Fixed-bed column test;   
DOI  :  10.1007/s13201-020-01245-9
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Abstract The use of readily available water treatment residuals (WTR) as a low-cost material for removal of colour from real textile wastewater was investigated. WTR was used in three forms, namely in raw wet form as a coagulant, in the dried form as an adsorbent and as a filtration media in column tests. The results showed a maximum colour removal of 55 and 36% by coagulation and adsorption, respectively, and the corresponding COD removals were 35 and 37%. Coagulation and batch sorption tests showed the effect of initial pH on the colour removal, and maximum colour removal was obtained at an initial pH of 3.0. Long-duration continuous-flow column test using WTR as a filtration/sorption media showed that a maximum colour removal of 60% can be achieved. In column studies, complete exhaustion of the media occurred at 180 and 120 bed volumes, respectively, for initial pHs of 3.0 and 6.2. The study thus shows the potential of WTR for primary treatment of real textile dye wastewater.

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