Journal of Materiomics
Enhanced thermoelectric performance of PbTe bulk materials with figure of merit zT >2 by multi-functional alloying
Jiaqing He1  Haijun Wu1  Tiejun Zhu2  Tiezheng Fu2  Xianqiang Yue2  Xinbing Zhao2  Pingjun Ying2  Lipeng Hu2  Chenguang Fu2  Xiaohua Liu2 
[1]Department of Physics, South University of Science and Technology of China, Shenzhen 518055, China
[2]State Key Laboratory of Silicon Materials, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
关键词: Thermoelectric;    Alloying;    PbTe;    Band engineering;    Thermal conductivity;   
DOI  :  10.1016/j.jmat.2016.05.005
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Forming solid solutions in PbTe based materials can simultaneously reduce lattice thermal conductivity and engineer the band structure to enhance the electrical properties. In this paper, quaternary alloys of Pb1−xMgxTe0.8Se0.2 were designed to improve the figure of merit zT. The significant roles of MgTe in enhancing electrical properties and reducing thermal conductivity of PbTe0.8Se0.2 were investigated. A maximum zT of ∼2.2 at 820 K was achieved in PbTe0.8Se0.2 with 8% MgTe. Subsequently, a large dimension bulk (∼200 g, Φ42 mm × 18 mm) was fabricated and its homogeneity and the repeatability of high zT values were determined. The results show that high zT ∼2.0 can also be achieved even in such a large sample. These results highlight the multi-functional roles of quaternary alloying with Mg and Se, and demonstrate the realistic prospect of large-scale commercial fabrication in high performance PbTe-based thermoelectric materials.
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