Microstructure and adhesive-cohesive strenght of nickel, tungsten carbide and chromium oxide thermal spray coatings
关键词: Thermal Spray Coatings;    Stainless Steel;    Adhesive-cohesive Strength;    Microstructure.;   
DOI  :  10.22430/22565337.592
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Four thermal spray coatings were applied by oxy-fuel process onto ASTM A743 CA6NM (13Cr-4Ni) steel, namely: two Ni-rich alloys, a chromium oxide and a combined tungsten carbide/Ni-Cr particles coating. The microstructure and adhesive/cohesive strength of the coatings were studied and related to the surface preparation parameters (preheating temperature and surface roughness). The microstructures were studied by XRay diffraction (XRD), scanning electron (SEM) and light optical (LOM) microscopy and hardness was measured according to ASTM E384 standard. The adhesive/cohesive strength was measured according to ASTM C633 standard. The microstructure of the coatings showed porosity (8% for bond coatings and from 15 to 30% for ceramic coatings) within acceptable values for flame spraying Homogeneous coating thicknesses of circa 0.5 mm were obtained. Adhesive strength was among 10 to 19 MPa for most of coatings. The coating-substrate adhesive strength was satisfactory in most cases and significant variations (higher than 25%) in adhesive/cohesive strength were induced by changes in surface preparation parameters, especially in the case of WC/Co-Ni coating.

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