Coupling Exergy with the Emission of Greenhouse Gases in Bioenergy: A Case Study Using Biochar
Sérgio Oliveira1  Armando Caldeira-Pires2  Jair Araújo Júnior3 
[1]Department of Chemistry, Federal Institute of Goiás—IFG, Goiânia 74055-110, Brazil
[2]Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Technology, University of Brasilia, Brasilia 70910-900, Brazil
[3]Department of Mechanical Engineering, Federal Institute of Goiás—IFG, Goiânia 74055-110, Brazil
关键词: coupling;    LCA;    biochar;    bioenergy;    exergy;   
DOI  :  10.3390/en12061057
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The loss in the quality of energy throughout any process can be assessed by the thermodynamics magnitude related to its entropic performance—the exergy. This indicator has been suggested as an environmental index, as an alternative to life cycle assessment (LCA), which is a classic tool for this purpose. This study assesses the potential of coupling the life cycle approach and exergy in a bioenergy supply chain environmental performance characterization, examining two scenarios in the sugarcane agroindustry. The first one, the reference scenario, is a classical production, and the second includes the returning of a portion of residual biomass from the plant, in the form of biochar, to agricultural soil. The use of biochar engendered an increase in sugarcane productivities and a reduction of nitrous oxide emissions. These changes resulted in scenarios 1 and 2, reducing the exergy destroyed from 390 to 355 MJ/MJ ethanol (9.0%) and decreasing the greenhouse gases emissions (GHG) from 11.8 to 11.0 g CO2-equivalent/MJ ethanol (6.8%). The latter represents an improvement in the use of carbon. A sensitivity analysis showed that the effect of changing productivity was quite significant: The exergy showed a sensitivity of −0.49, and in total emissions, this figure was slightly lower, at −0.41. By changing the emissions of N2O in the soil, the sensitivity of exergy was almost null, and the total emissions were 0.077.
【 授权许可】


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