Bìznes Inform
The Decentralization as a Factor in the Development of Rural Areas
Kostiuchenko Daryna L.1 
[1] Postgraduate Student, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University;
关键词: united territorial community;    Ishikawa diagram;    strategic guidelines;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The publication is aimed at studying the phenomenon of decentralization as a factor in the development of rural areas of Ukraine. The object of study is a territorial community that is able to develop itself or to ensure its own development through local governments, which we believe is the basis for a stable and efficient process of decentralization. As a result, it has been concluded that the decentralization process has a positive impact on the development of rural areas. By establishing such territorial communities, the Ukrainian village becomes «autonomized» financially and has the possibility and real ability to manage its funds independently, taking into consideration the opinion of the society. The Ishikawa chart has clearly demonstrated that the decentralization process has far more advantages than risks. By means of the graphic method, strategic guidelines for the development of rural areas of Vinnytsia region have been formed. The prospects for further research are to explore the process of establishing unified territorial communities, to determine their role and importance in enhancing the development of rural areas.

【 授权许可】


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