Status Change Model of Interethnic Riots
Sandra Marker1 
[1] School of Behavioral Sciences, Black Hills State University, Spearfish, SD 57783, USA;
关键词: interethnic riot;    status;    honor;    social structure;    intergroup relations;   
DOI  :  10.3390/soc8040110
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The status change riot model opens up a new avenue of riot explanation. One that takes into consideration ethnic group relations and factors of group status and honor—i.e., dignity. The riot model asserts that the potential for a riot arises when new and old concepts about group statuses, and as such, ideas about appropriate intergroup behaviors, give rise to disputative intergroup interactions. The model affirms that a trigger event either by itself or in accumulation with other events drives actors to a dignity threshold that prompts them to riot. The model further relates that, once started, a riot will follow a general riot pattern that ends in either a status resolution or an increased strain in ethnic group relations.

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