Calculation and Analysis of the Interval Power Flow for Distributed Energy System Based on Affine Algorithm
Peiqian Guo1  Zhichang Yuan1  Bin Ouyang1  Lu Qu1  Hongyi Dai2  Weikun He2  Baoye Tian3  Qiyang Liu4 
[1]Department of Electrical Engineer, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
[2]State Grid Zhangzhou Electric Power Supply Company, Zhangzhou 363300, China
[3]State Key Laboratory of HVDC, Electric Power Research Institute, CSG, Guangzhou 510663, China
[4]Tsinghua-Towngas Joint Research Center for Regional Comprehensive Energy Planning Technology, Beijing 100084, China
关键词: distributed energy systems;    affine algorithm;    interval power flow;    cold-heat-electricity-coupling;    different energy systems;   
DOI  :  10.3390/en14030600
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Due to the coupling of different energy systems, optimization of different energy complementarities, and the realization of the highest overall energy utilization rate and environmental friendliness of the energy system, distributed energy system has become an important way to build a clean and low-carbon energy system. However, the complex topological structure of the system and too many coupling devices bring more uncertain factors to the system which the calculation of the interval power flow of distributed energy system becomes the key problem to be solved urgently. Affine power flow calculation is considered as an important solution to solve uncertain steady power flow problems. In this paper, the distributed energy system coupled with cold, heat, and electricity is taken as the research object, the influence of different uncertain factors such as photovoltaic and wind power output is comprehensively considered, and affine algorithm is adopted to calculate the system power flow of the distributed energy system under high and low load conditions. The results show that the system has larger operating space, more stable bus voltage and more flexible pipeline flow under low load condition than under high load condition. The calculation results of the interval power flow of distributed energy systems can provide theoretical basis and data support for the stability analysis and optimal operation of distributed energy systems.
【 授权许可】


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