Tehnologìčnij Audit ta Rezervi Virobnictva
Simulation of search and classification of serv ice documents in automated information retrieval systems
Юлія Вікторівна Ульяновська1 
[1] Ukrainian Academy of Customs Service;
关键词: Classification of documents;    latent semantic analysis;   
DOI  :  10.15587/2312-8372.2013.14904
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The article discusses the use of methods of search and classification of service documents. This task is particularly relevant for bodies of state administration, where the quality of the decision depends on the timeliness of the required information. Tangible assistance in this matter can perform automated information retrieval systems. Despite the wide variety of automated document processing systems, a number of questions remain open. A promising direction for further development of these systems is the application of semantic analysis. In this regard, this study investigated the possibility of applying the methods of the latent semantic analysis to simulate the processes of search and classification of customs documents. Adequacy of this method was shown. Further development of the proposed methods is performed in the development of information technology of search of texts, their automatic classification and definition of the related documents.

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