Development of Virtual Reality Automotive Lab for Training in Engineering Students
Karen Roa-Tort1  Josué D. Rivera-Fernández2  Ángel A. Pérez-Martínez3  Luis F. Hernández-Quintanar3  Macaria Hernández-Chávez3  José M. Cortés-Caballero3  Diego A. Fabila-Bustos3 
[1] Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica Unidad Zacatenco, Ciudad de México 07320, Mexico;Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Unidad Profesional Interdisciplinaria de Energía y Movilidad, Ciudad de México 07320, Mexico;Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Unidad Profesional Interdisciplinaria de Ingeniería Campus Hidalgo, Ciudad del Conocimiento y la Cultura, San Agustín Tlaxiaca 41262, Mexico;
关键词: education;    virtual reality;    automotive systems;    training;    Oculus Rift S;    Leap Motion;   
DOI  :  10.3390/su13179776
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

A Virtual Reality application was developed to be used as an immersive virtual learning strategy for Oculus Rift S Virtual Reality glasses and through Leap Motion Controller™ infrared sensors, focused on students of the Automotive Systems Engineering academic program, as a practical teaching-learning tool in the context of Education 4.0 and the pandemic caused by COVID-19 that has kept schools closed since March 2020. The technological pillars of Industry 4.0 were used to profile students so that they can meet the demands of their professional performance at the industrial level. Virtual Reality (VR) plays a very important role for the production-engineering sector in areas such as design and autonomous cars, as well as in training and driving courses. The VR application provides the student with a more immersive and interactive experience, supported by 3D models of both the main parts that make up the four-stroke combustion engine and the mechanical workshop scenario; it allows the student to manipulate the main parts of the four-stroke combustion engine through the Oculus Rift S controls and the Leap Motion Controller™ infrared sensors, and relate them to the operation of the engine, through the animation of its operation and the additional information shown for each part that makes it up in the application.

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