Journal of Economic and Financial Sciences
A comparative analysis of the design of special economic zones: The case of South Africa, Malaysia and Indonesia
Nadea le Roux1  Anculien Schoeman1 
[1] Department of Taxation, University of Pretoria;
关键词: Special economic zones;    SEZ Programme;    South Africa;    Malaysia;    Indonesia;    unemployment;    foreign direct investment;    exports;   
DOI  :  10.4102/jef.v9i3.69
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The South African government is dedicated to improving the country’s economy. The establishment of economic zones is used throughout the world as a method to improve a country’s economic growth. The main purpose of this study is to compare the key aspects of the new Special Economic Zones (SEZ) Programme in South Africa to those of Malaysia and Indonesia, since both these countries have successfully established SEZs which have contributed to the development of these countries. It was found that South Africa’s programme design was on par with that of these two countries, but further recommendations were made.

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