Theoretical and Applied Economics
The Stress’ Management and Time Budget
Maria Constantinescu1  Cornel Constantinescu2 
[1] ;Universitatea din Pitesti;
关键词: stress;    eustress;    distress;    stress’ management;    time budget;    behavior A and B;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The present study has as central objective the introduction of a succession of concrete findings, more precisely the spotlight of the relation between the time budget, stress and behavior (A or B) in a military organization. The study’s premise lays on the assertion that military environment, a petitioner environment takes to the growth of stress because of the negative disparity between the weight of time destined discharging job tasks and the weight of time earmarked relaxation and other needs.

【 授权许可】


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