Numerical Study on Indoor Environmental Quality in a Room Equipped with a Combined HRV and Radiator System
Giovanni Semprini1  Aminhossein Jahanbin1 
[1] Department of Industrial Engineering—DIN, Alma Mater Studiorum-University of Bologna, Viale Risorgimento 2, 40136 Bologna, Italy;
关键词: indoor environmental quality;    thermal comfort;    indoor air quality;    HVAC systems;    heat recovery ventilation;    radiators;   
DOI  :  10.3390/su122410576
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Heat recovery ventilation (HRV) systems can be integrated with an additional air heater in buildings with low energy demand in order to cover space heating demand. The employment of coupled HRV-heater systems is, therefore, gaining increasing interest for the improvement of the indoor environmental quality (IEQ), as well as the reduction of ventilation energy loss. The present paper analyses the efficacy of a HRV system, coupled with a low-temperature radiator, in satisfying the IEQ indices inside a retrofitted dormitory room. A computational fluid dynamic (CFD) model based on the finite volume method is established to investigate IEQ characteristics including indoor air quality and thermal comfort condition. The presented CFD code provides a practical tool for a comprehensive investigation of the IEQ indices in spaces employing a coupled HVAC system. In an analysis of indoor air quality, parameters such as age of the air, air change efficiency, and ventilation efficiency in removal of gaseous contaminants, namely VOCs and CO2, are evaluated. The results obtained by the numerical model allow addressing the interaction between HRV and radiator systems and its effects on airflow field. The results show the decrease of the indoor operative temperature with increment of the supply air flow rate, which is mainly due to the decreased thermal efficiency of the HRV system. The obtained results indicate that, while higher ventilation rates can significantly decrease the age of the air and gaseous contaminants level, at the same time, it would cause a local discomfort in some parts of the room.

【 授权许可】


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