IEEE Access
Parametric Sensitivity Analysis and Design Optimization of an Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor
Christopher H. T. Lee1  Hao Chen1 
[1] School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore;
关键词: Design optimization;    interior permanent magnet synchronous motor;    parametric sensitivity analysis;   
DOI  :  10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2950773
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Due to the advantages of high torque density, high efficiency, and wide constant power speed range (CPSR), interior permanent magnet synchronous motors (IPMSMs) are gaining more and more attention in electric vehicle (EV) applications. There are many geometrical parameters in IPMSMs, and some of them have significant impact on the performance of such machines. This paper presents a parametric sensitivity study of the rotor geometrical parameters for a V-shaped magnet IPMSM. In which, both the individual sensitivity and the combined sensitivity with considering the interaction effects of these parameters are performed by finite-element analysis (FEA). The electromagnetic characteristics in the low-speed range, including average torque, torque ripple, cogging torque, power density, power factor, efficiency, etc. and the flux-weakening capability in the high-speed range are investigated in detail. Based on the parametric study, the V-shaped magnet IPMSM is optimized. The results show that the performance of the optimal design is significantly improved. In addition, the validity of the FEA simulation results is verified by experiment with a prototype.

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