Les « boutiques ». Regard sur quelques bourgades du sud de la Thaïlande
关键词: Southern Thailand;    border brothel-towns;    Jawi;    Thai;    Chinese;    Moken;   
DOI  :  10.4000/moussons.695
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This article is based on a journey through Southern Thailand, where the population, mostly Jawi, Malay, and Muslim, displays Siamese, Chinese, and Mon cultural features as well as some ancient Proto-Malay traits. It offers a description of some of its cities and towns, marked by the region's particular history and by urbanistic and architectural forms locally prominent for cultural, religious, economical, and political reasons. It shows that Southern Thailand is a complex crossroads of various civilizations and cultures, combined in a unique manner to form a specific domain, which is both the richest region of the kingdom of Thailand and one that has been, for decades on end, most stricken by an unstable political and military situation.

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