Revista Ciência em Extensão | |
Planning architecture: for a communitarian architecture | |
Silvia Oebrecht1  João Francisco Noll1  Sheila Elisa Scheidemantel Klein1  | |
[1] Universidade Regional de Blumenau - FURB; | |
关键词: Serviços técnicos de arquitetura. Equipamentos sociais. Espaços comunitários com acessibilidade. Direitos humanos.; | |
DOI : | |
来源: DOAJ |
【 摘 要 】
The project "Planning architecture" aims at promoting a communitarian architecture, benefiting non profit organizations through the accomplishment of accessibility, landscape architectonic projects, and so on. In addition, technical consultancy is provided for the organization of communitarian spaces in Blumenau, Brazil. The university community is also benefited by means of internal technical services, as the work includes multidisciplinary integrated education, research and community service,. The methodology follows (i) contact the community for problems definition, (ii) data-collection, (iii) preliminary project, (iv) approval of the proposal by the community, (v) executive project, and (vi) official delivery of the projects. All stages are carried out by students assisted by their advisers, making the construction of the necessary spaces economically and environmentally adjusted. This study presents the activities and results carried out by 4 advisers and 11 students in three communities benefiting 7500 people. The results are rewarding. The community organized itself, social and politically, considering the new spaces and the students developed social consciousness and responsibility, and learned to systemize in a practical way the theoretical knowledge acquired during the regular courses. The interconnection between community services, education and research becomes evident. Several communities have been executing environmental services and civil workmanship without technical advice and official approval of competent agencies, which brought new discussions and actions into the academy. The main results were the technical assistance of the work already in development in the communities, the discussion of new goals and the proposal of future actions. We consider the t "Planning Project" reached its objectives by putting forward the individual environmental awareness and creating communitarian spaces with universal accessibility, that aim leisure, recreation, culture, sports and other social activities in the communities.
【 授权许可】