Rossijskij Vestnik Perinatologii i Pediatrii
Chronotherapy in pediatrics is the basis for improving the effectiveness of treatment of children`s diseases
E. V. Neudakhin1 
[1]Voyno-Yasenetskiy Scientific & Practical Center of Specialized Medical Care for Children
关键词: children;    biorhythms;    desynchronosis;    chronotherapy;   
DOI  :  10.21508/1027-4065-2018-63-5-7-14
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The article briefly describes the general ideas on the body’s biorhythms determining the essence of its homeostasis. The article pays special attention to the importance of alternative interaction of the body's reactions in the formation of biorhythms. It is emphasized that the violation of biorhythms (desynchronosis) is the most profound and most sensitive marker of functional disorders. In this regard, the practicing doctors should use methods of chronodiagnosis and chronotherapy more widely. The article presents the authors’ data and the data of other authors on the high efficiency of chronotherapy. This method, focused on the individual approach to the treatment of a child, makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of treatment while decreasing usage of drugs. The future of medicine is impossible without a chronobiological understanding of its problems.Conflict of interest: The author of this article confirmed the lack of conflict of interest and financial support, which should be reported.
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