RUDN journal of Sociology
Multicultural Interaction and Ethnic Identities of Ethnic Minority College Students
Y Chang1 
关键词: национальное меньшинство;    студенты;    межкультурное взаимодействие;    этническая идентичность;    монголка (рожденная в провинции Синьцзян);    наррация;    кейс-стади;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
This paper's analysis is based on the narration of M, a Xinjiang-born Mongolian student. The analysis which applied domestic and foreign theories such as Acculturation Theory and Theory of Pattern of Pluralistic Unity of Chinese Ethnicities suggests that the Chinese cultural tradition of valuing harmony and the China's pattern of pluralistic unity of ethnicities is contributive for minority college students to come up to the harmonious construction of ethnic and national identities, and that the inter-ethnic cultural interaction in China affects minority college students' ethnic identity in a complex manner, and the cultural diversity interaction within an ethnic group, especially its introethnic dialectical difference, are significant to the ethnic identity construction of a minority college student.
【 授权许可】


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