Statistika: Statistics and Economy Journal
Climate Change and European Offi cial Statistics
关键词: Sustainable development;    GHG emissions;    climate change;    air emissions accounts;    emission inventory;    driving forces;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

According to an approach widely shared in the European Statistical System (ESS), “climate change related statistics”(CCRS) are environmental, social and economic high quality statistics and indicators suitable for monitoringchanges related to climate change. Th e component “State” of the Driving forces, Pressures, State, Impacts,Responses model (DPSIR) is not covered by the CCRS currently produced within the ESS. Th e latter is responsiblefor providing a substantial amount of basic data that serve as inputs for the GHG emissions inventory.As core priorities for the future, it is envisaged to produce early estimates of CO2 emissions based on monthlyenergy statistics and to investigate the “consumer perspective” of global climate change. Recommendationson how to improve CCRS in the ESS are expected from the UNECE Task Force on climate change relatedstatistics.

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