Hemijska Industrija
Environmental cadmium and zinc concentrations in liver and kidney of European hare from different Serbian regions
关键词: cadmium;    zinc;    kidney;    liver;    hare;   
DOI  :  10.2298/HEMIND120815100P
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The hares assayed (n=84) were divided into five age groups: 3-6; 12; 12-24;24-36 and 36 + months. Between all sampling regions (11) significantdifferences of Cd levels were found in kidney and liver (p value, p=0.001 and0.007, respectively) . Significant statistical differences (p=0.001) areregistered between Cd content in kidney and liver of hares among allrepresented age groups. Looking at all investigated hare samples, moderatelyhigher concentrations of Zn were found in liver (median value: 25.4 mg/kgw.w) compared to those in kidney (21.4 mg/kg). These differences werestatistically significant (p=0.001). Zinc concentrations in liver, betweenall age groups, did not differ significantly (p=0.512) but in kidney thesedifferences were statistically significant (p=0,001). Significant differencesbetween Zn concentrations in liver in comparison to kidney (pairwisedifferences) were found within every single age group with exception of theoldest (36+ ) . Strong statistically significant correlations (Ps- Pearson'scorrelation ) between Cd concentrations in kidney and liver were registeredin three groups older than 12 months (Ps=0.81, p=0.001; 0.78, p=0.001; and0.79, p=0.001, respectively). Negative correlation between Zn and Cdconcentrations were found in liver samples within the age group of 12 months(Ps= -0,67, p=0.004).

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