Approaching Religion
Functions of Narrative Genres for Lived Religion
Tuija Hovi1 
[1] Academy of Finland;
关键词: Narration;    Pentecostalism;    Christianity;    Livets ord;    Psychology and religion;    Folklore;   
DOI  :  10.30664/ar.67540
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The article presents the object and results of a study which combines the psychology of religion and folkloristics in the form of a qualitative analysis of empirical ethnographic material compiled from sources in a local neo-charismatic congregation called the ‘Word of Life’. Personal narrative is discussed as a genre which represents the collective tradition of a religious community. It is a socially-learned speech act and a means of interpreting and sharing religious experience, thus constructing and confirming the faith of the community, both individually and collectively. In the neo-charismatic tradition, everyday speech draws on a literal (biblical) tradition as well as on socially-shared narrative genres such as ritual testimonies, prophecies, sermons and casual, personal narratives of co-believers. The faith-creative power of these stories can be found in their performative utterances and evaluative structures as well as in non-communication.

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