Jurnal Nasional Teknik Elektro
Rancang Bangun Antena MikrostripBiquad Ganda untuk Aplikasi Wi-Fi
Herudin.1  M. Abdurahman Amir1  Alimuddin.1 
[1] Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa;
关键词: Microstrip Antenna double biquad;    Wifi;    VSWR;    HPBW;    Radiation Pattern;    Return Loss;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Wi-Fi is a technology that is a very major today . WiFi stands for Wireless Fidelity , is a set of standards used for Wireless Local Network ( Wireless Local Area Networks ) . In Indonesia this standard is based on IEEE 802.11 specification . Its function is to connect to a local area network wirelessly . One of the supporting devices is antenna . Selection of the proper antenna , good design and proper installation will ensure the performance of the telecommunications system . Microstrip antenna has the advantages of a low- profile shape , which is easy and cheap to mass produced but has a small gain and bandwidth . In this study designed a double biquadmicrostrip antenna using FR4 material ( epoxy ) . The double biquad microstrip antenna works at a frequency of 2.4 GHz ˗ 2.5 GHz which can be used for 802.11b Wireless Fidelity technology . Microstrip antenna measurement results that have made a double biquad has a 555 MHz bandwidth with a value of 1.135 VSWR and return loss is -25.23 dB. The resulting vertical radiation pattern has a HPBW ( Half Power Beamwidth ) about 41̊ and horizontal radiation pattern has a HPBW about 35̊ , the results of these measurements indicate microstrip antenna made double biquad realizable and can be used in applications 802.11b WirelessFidelity.

【 授权许可】


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