Indian Journal of Ophthalmology
Recurrent progressive anterior segment fibrosis syndrome following a descemet-stripping endothelial keratoplasty in an infant with congenital aniridia
关键词: Blindness;    cataract;    eye lens;    risk factors;    treatment of cataract;    Low vision care;    multiple disabilities and visual impairment;    reading performance;    Accommodation;    presbyopia;    supraciliary segment implants;    Amblyopia;    citicoline;    patching;    human corneal endothelial precursor cells;    in vitro expansion;    sphere forming assay;    thermo-reversible gelation polymer;    transportation;    Endophthalmitis;    explantation;    fungal;    intraocular lens;    postoperative;    recurrent;    learning disabilities;    school children;    stereo acuity;    testability;    visual acuity;    Contracted socket;    dermis fat graft;    porous orbital implant;    reconstruction;    in vitro anticataract;    lens;    Moringa oliefera;    ′BARC I-125 Ocu-Prosta seeds′;    choroidal melanoma;    ciliary body melanoma;    Episcleral plaque brachytherapy;    retinal angioma;    retinoblastoma;    vasoproliferative tumor;    gonioscopy;    Retcam;    Acoustic features;    A-scan;    B-scan;    choroidal mass;    ultrasound biomicroscopy;    Cataract surgery;    education;    informed consent;    multimedia;    rural health;    Lagophthalmos;    silicone sling;    temporalis muscle;    Contrast sensitivity function;    disability;    function peak;    multiple sclerosis;    spatial frequency;    Congenital cataract;    developmental cataract;    outcome;    vision function;    extracellular enzymes;    fungal;    keratitis;    toxins;    periosteal fixation;    strabismus surgery;    vertical rectus transposition;    complications;    donor dislocation;    endothelial cell loss;    graft failure;    management;    glaucoma experimental;    parapapillary atrophy;    Juvenile open angle glaucoma;    juvenile glaucoma;    primary trabeculectomy;    trabeculectomy in young;    keratoconus;    topography guided custom ablation treatment;    topography guided photoablation;    Azithromycin;    chloramphenicol;    fluoroquinolone;    non-chlamydia conjunctival bacteria;    Ethiopia;    Cataract surgery;    near vision;    prevalence of blindness;    visual outcome;    Congenital aniridia;    descemet stripping endothelial keratoplasty;    progressive anterior segment fibrosis syndrome;   
DOI  :  10.4103/0301-4738.128635
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Progressive anterior segment fibrosis syndrome (ASFS), after intraocular surgery in older children (≥9 years) and adults with congenital aniridia, is described in the literature. In this report, we describe an unique case of ASFS in an infant with congenital aniridia following a combined trabeculotomy-ectomy and its recurrence after a descemet stripping endothelial keratoplasty. The ophthalmologists should be well aware of this entity and warn the parents about its possibilities. Use of immunomodulators or prolonged anti-inflammatory therapy may be considered to prevent its occurrence.

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