Soil Security
Human rights aspects and Soil governance. A special focus on land grabbing
Giuseppe Poderati1 
[1] The author is Doctoral Researcher at the Research Institute of Environmental Law, Wuhan University, China;
关键词: Human rights;    Soil governance;    Vulnerable groups;    Land tenure;    Land grabbing;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This chapter provides the reader with a general overview about the nexus between women, indigenous peoples’ land tenure rights and land governance issues. In particular, in both African and Latin American countries, ensuring indigenous peoples’ collective rights to lands, territories, and natural resources is critical not just for their well-being, but also for resolving some of the world's most serious global challenges and for achieving most of the Sustainable Development Goals. Besides that, this chapter explores the phenomenon of land grabbing, precisely its main structure, features, and wide-ranging implications on a global scale. In point of fact, at global level, the phenomenon of land grabbing makes the indigenous people more vulnerable because it leads to the lack of recognition of the traditional access to their own land and natural resources. Undeniably, a fair and just redistribution of land is crucial for the progressive realization of the right to adequate food and right to life as well as for keeping a higher level of international food security.

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