AIMS Mathematics
On the r-dynamic coloring of subdivision-edge coronas of a path
G. Nandini1  M. Venkatachalam2  Raúl M. Falcón3 
[1]1 Department of Mathematics. SNS College of Technology, Tamil Nadu, India
[2]2 Department of Mathematics. Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Tamil Nadu, India
[3]3 Department of Applied Mathematics I. Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
关键词: cycle;    complete graph;    complete bipartite graph;    fan graph;    friendship graph;    path;    r-dynamic coloring;    star graph;    subdivision-edge corona;    wheel;   
DOI  :  10.3934/math.2020292
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
This paper deals with the r-dynamic chromatic number of the subdivision-edge corona of a path and exactly one of the following nine types of graphs: a path, a cycle, a wheel, a complete graph, a complete bipartite graph, a star, a double star, a fan graph and a friendship graph.
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