Baltijskij Region
Kaliningradskaja oblast': unikal'nyj region i tipichnyj centr [The Kaliningrad Oblast: a Unique Region and a Typical Centre]
关键词: Kaliningrad Region;    regional development;    regional policy;   
DOI  :  10.5922/2074-9848-2009-2-12
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The longstanding efforts of federal authorities aimed at the development of the Kaliningrad region did not meet the expectations. The region can be considered as depressed; it is characterised by the instability of the socioeconomic situation. The main reason for the reduced efficiency of state activity is the attempt to apply standard mechanisms of governmental regional development regulation that neglect the unique nature of this Russian territory: its enclave/exclave status, the settling history of the region, the dependence on external markets, etc. To solve the problems of the Kaliningrad region, the state should partially revise its ideology, including the views on external connections of Russia’s constituents. Moreover, Russia should coordinate its activity in the Baltic Sea States taking into account the increased sensitivity of the Kaliningrad Region.
【 授权许可】


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