Frontiers in Materials
Deterministic Transfer of Large-Scale β-Phase Arsenic on Fiber End Cap for Near-Infrared Ultrafast Pulse Generation
Tianan Yi1  Cheng Chen1  Yan Zhang2  Kun Guo2  Wei Su3  Jian Wu4  Haiqin Deng5  Kai Zhang5  Qiang Yu5 
[1] Key Laboratory of Nanodevices and Applications &Key Laboratory of Nanophotonic Materials and Devices, Suzhou Institute of Nano-Tech and Nano-Bionics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Suzhou, China;College of Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, China;College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Hohai University, Changzhou, China;;I-Lab &
关键词: β-phase arsenic;    ultrafast pulse generation;    near-infrared;    CVT;    nonlinear optics;   
DOI  :  10.3389/fmats.2021.721587
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Gray arsenic (β-phase) has aroused great attention in photonics and electronics applications, as a novel family member of two-dimensional (2D) elemental crystals of group-VA. Here, β-phase arsenic (β-As) bulk crystals were synthesized via the chemical vapor transport (CVT) method. Meanwhile, large-scale β-As nanoflake was transformed using the polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)-assisted dry transfer method and was placed on the end cap of optical fiber with high coverage over the core area. Moreover, the β-As was used as a saturable absorber in ytterbium-doped fiber ring cavity resonance, and we demonstrated near-infrared ultrafast pulse fiber laser with the central wavelength, repetition rate, and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of 1,037.3 nm, 0.6 MHz, and 67.7 dB, respectively. This research demonstrates a 2D material small area deterministic transfer method and promotes the potential application of group-VA crystals in near-infrared ultrafast laser generation.

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