Vortex Dynamics Study and Flow Visualization on Aircraft Model with Different Canard Configurations
Budi Basuki1  SetyawanBekti Wibowo1  Soeadgihardo Siswantoro1  Febryanto Nugroho1  Zainuri Anwar2  TriAgung Rohmat2  Petricius Ginting2  Sutrisno2 
[1] Mechanical Engineering Department, Vocational College, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia;Mechanical and Industrial Department, Engineering Faculty, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia;
关键词: canard;    aerodynamics;    water tunnel;    vortex dynamics;    fighter aircraft;   
DOI  :  10.3390/fluids6040144
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Canard configuration on fighter planes is essential for regulating flow and the occurrence of vortex interactions on the main wing, one of which is to delay stall. Stall delays are useful when the aircraft is making maneuvering or short-landing. This study observed the effect of canard configuration on various fighter aircraft models. Fighter models represented the different canard configurations, such as Sukhoi SU-30 MKI, Chengdu J-10, and Eurofighter Typhoon. Water tunnels and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) have made it easier to visualize the flow and aerodynamic forces. The results showed that at a low angle of attack (AoA) < 30°, the Chengdu J-10 and Eurofighter models had the highest lift force coefficient (Cl). When at high AoA, Cl’s highest value occurred on the Sukhoi SU-30 model with a value of 1.45 at AoA 50°. Meanwhile, the highest AoA that still had a high Cl value occurred on the Sukhoi SU-30 and Chengdu J-10 aircraft models, namely at AoA 55° with Cl values more than 1.1. The canard position in the upper of the wing would increase the Cl at low AoA, while the parallel canard position could delay the stall.

【 授权许可】


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