Sensors | |
Cybersecurity in ICT Supply Chains: Key Challenges and a Relevant Architecture | |
José Ruiz1  Xavi Masip-Bruin2  Eva Marín-Tordera2  José Soriano3  Henrique Santos4  Admela Jukan5  Antonis Gonos6  Antonio Lioy7  Panagiotis Trakadas8  Ana Silva9  Grigorios Kalogiannis1,10  Diego López1,11  Ales Cernivec1,12  | |
[1] ATOS Research and Innovation, 28037 Madrid, Spain;CRAAX Lab, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 08800 Vilanova i la Geltrú, Spain;Capgemini Engineering, 08005 Barcelona, Spain;Centro ALGORITMI, Universidade do Minho, 4800-058 Guimaraes, Portugal;Communications Network Group, Technische Universität Braunschweig, 38106 Braunschweig, Germany;Optimum S.A. Information Technology, 17674 Kallithea, Greece;Politecnico di Torino, 10129 Torino, Italy;Sinelixis S.A., 14343 Athens, Greece;Sonae MC Serviços Partilhados S.A., 4470-177 Maia, Portugal;Sphynx Technology Solutions AG, 6300 Zug, Switzerland;Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, 28050 Madrid, Spain;XLAB d.o.o., SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia; | |
关键词: cybersecurity; supply chains; IoT systems; systems integration; real scenarios analysis; | |
DOI : 10.3390/s21186057 | |
来源: DOAJ |
【 摘 要 】
The specific demands of supply chains built upon large and complex IoT systems, make it a must to design a coordinated framework for cyber resilience provisioning, intended to guarantee trusted supply chains of ICT systems, built upon distributed, dynamic, potentially insecure, and heterogeneous ICT infrastructures. As such, the solution proposed in this paper is envisioned to deal with the whole supply chain system components, from the IoT ecosystem to the infrastructure connecting them, addressing security and privacy functionalities related to risks and vulnerabilities management, accountability, and mitigation strategies, as well as security metrics and evidence-based security assurance. In this paper, we present FISHY as a preliminary architecture that is designed to orchestrate existing and beyond state-of-the-art security appliances in composed ICT scenarios. To this end, the FISHY architecture leverages the capabilities of programmable networks and IT infrastructure through seamless orchestration and instantiation of novel security services, both in real-time and proactively. The paper also includes a thorough business analysis to go far beyond the technical benefits of a potential FISHY adoption, as well as three real-world use cases highlighting the envisioned benefits of a potential FISHY adoption.
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